00 Bank Service Charge 14.00 T otal Expenditures Balance December 31, 1981 Total Exp. Publication Banquet 75th Year Medallions MiscellaneousĮ xpenditures: 75t h Anniv. Dues for 1982 are $5.00įINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 1981 Balance Jan.
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The costs of production, packaging and mailing of the Oregon State Forester plus other mailings each year must be covered by Alumni contributions. Please Reserve Tickets By Mail Deadline For Banquet Ticket Purchase 4:00p.m. Norman Johnson '53, tells Fernhoppers assembled to celebrate the School's 75th Anniversary why - "I'm Proud to be an OSU Forester."įERNHOPPER DAY Satu rday, FebruFeaturing Guided Tours Of The OSU Foundation Center Slide-Tape Presentations "The Forestry Environment at OSU" And Displays at Peavy Hall -BanquetMemorial Union Ballroom 5:30p.m.lounge, t he music lounge at the east end of the M.U., and the small lounge at the west end will be availabl.e. For those who may wish to visit after the Banquet, the main M.U. Speaker at this year's Banquet will be Rex Resler '53, Executive Vice PresidentAmerican Forestry Association and 1981 recipient of the OSU Distinguished Service Award. Pre-banquet receptions wi ll be held in the main lounge and room 206 of the Memorial Union from 4 :00 to 5:30p.

Self-guided tours to view demonstrat ions and displays wi ll be available in Peavy Hall. The main reception and lounge area will be open for visiting and refreshments wi ll be provided. in the Agricultural Science Conference room of the Center. The slide-tape presentations (approximately 25 minutes) will commence at 2 :15 and 3:15 p.m. Tours of the Center will be conducted at 1 :30 and 2:30 p.m. Featured will be tours of the Center as well as showings of the student-developed slide-tape, "The Forestry Environment at OSU". It was agreed that the afternoon program be held at the new OSU Foundation Center (Cultural and Conference Center). The OSU Forestry Alumni Board of Directors met Novemto outline the activities for the day. Februmarks the observance of the 50th annual Fernhopper Day and the 76th year of the School of Forestry. FERNHOPPER DAY 1982 Fernhopper Day was initiated in 1928 and with the exception of several years during World War II has been an annual affair.